Stars Long Dead: Elpis
Stars Long Dead: Elpis
6 en stock
“When I was a child, I could never have dreamed to see such far away places as Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han with my own eyes, and yet now, I have walked them. But never could I have believed I would walk upon a land long dead. That I would find the secrets of the end of many worlds there, and the path to salvation of my own.
I walked under these stars long dead, and found myself wishing for more - more time to explore every inch of it, more time to understand the people who lived there… More time to save them, even though I know it impossible.
I wonder how many times my predecessor walked this very path, and I hope that whoever they were, that their travels have never grown old. That they saw their world with the same wonder I see mine.”
- Chronicles of Azem
Notes of orange blossom, cherry blossom, key lime, black current, plum, pomegranate, bamboo and musk.
Fabriqué à la main au Canada avec de la cire de noix de coco. À utiliser avec les fondoirs à cire. Chaque paquet contient six cubes de fonte qui peuvent être séparés. Simon recommande d'utiliser des doublures de fondant à cire pour faciliter le nettoyage et le changement de parfum !
Veuillez noter que ceux-ci sont faits à la main en petites quantités, il peut donc y avoir des irrégularités entre les lots.